Kairos asset managers Rocco Bove (Fixed Income) and Massimo Trabattoni (Equity) will be the keynote speakers at a conference* scheduled for 26 March at the Salone del Risparmio.
The Salone, an annual event organized by Assogestioni and hosted again this year at Università Bocconi of Milan, is a unique opportunity for members of the investment community to network with other market players, share experiences, enhance their expertise and discuss themes concerning the asset management industry.
“We have decided for the first time to participate in this important showcase event to offer our contribution and tell our success story,” explained Kairos Partners SGR’s Sales Director Amir Kuhdari. “As an Italian independent boutique asset management firm, we aim for excellence in some investment sectors, identifying market opportunities that allow us to continue to be a reference point for our clients”
In an environment dominated by interest rates next to zero, all-time low oil prices, euro-dollar parity and quantitative easing in progress, how can investors maximize returns from their financial investments? And more importantly, how should they face the changes to come? These are some of the issue that the speakers will address during the conference. In a brilliant, thought-provoking debate, Kairos’ two “sides of the market” will explain, each for his own segment, the solutions adopted to continue to be successful and the strategies and positions available within the Group’s flexible offering. For the Fixed-Income sector, Rocco Bove will explain how, through the Bond Plus sub-fund of the Kairos International SICAV, he intends to minimize market volatility. On the equities front, Massimo Trabattoni will present the methodology and portfolio policies underlying the continued success of KIS Italia. In a medium-term perspective, Kairos now offers KIS Real Return, a new multi-asset solution designed to harness today the inflation of tomorrow through an efficient portfolio construction that combines a fixed-income core with two dynamic components, one comprised of equities and the other of commodities and real estate.
At the Salone, Kairos will also be represented by Gianluca Serra, Wealth Advisory Manager of Kairos Julius Baer, as guest of the round table* organized by Mornigstar on the third day of the event, the only forum open to the public of investors. Gianluca will offer his contribution as expert in the restructuring of wealth to address the theme of the meeting, i.e. the current status of voluntary disclosure legislation and the terms and methods with which the repatriated funds can be reinvested and put to use.
*To participate in Kairos meetings, please register at the Salone’s website www.salonedelrisparmio.it