“Kairos is a top quality player, successfully presiding over extremely interesting investment niches and integrating perfectly with major international investment banks”. These are the thoughts and very positive first impressions of Livio Dalle, Senior Portfolio Manager with Kairos Partners since July of this year. He has come to these conclusions in his nearly three months of intense work focused mainly on two segments: “First and foremost, the management of two funds for networks, namely the BG Selection Sicav – Kairos Blend and Darta Challenge Team Kairos, which have been performing very well in recent months. With Allianz Darta, specifically, our performance since inception is at the top of the selection and we have a sound information ratio with BG Generali Blend. In this respect, we expect to maintain this performance and further improve penetration”. Indeed, the use of local managers in Milan and London gives Kairos Partners direct feedback and constant control of the portfolios, making it a glocal company with expert professionals who take a global approach and view.
“At the same time,” adds Dalle, “although we have just begun offering personalized portfolio management services, work is already underway on important relationships, ensuring an increasingly flexible asset allocation and a wide, diversified field for investment. The special services that Kairos Partners offers include a detailed initial mapping of risks, expectations and client requests. Carried out with the Relationship Manager, the mapping is then formalized with the Risk Management Office, whose resources are a true source of excellence for Kairos Partners.
Livio Dalle believes that these are all aspects that give Kairos Partners its significant and unique ability to innovate, making it an asset management company “that is perfectly capable of structuring a dynamic and innovative offer for financial advisory networks and private and institutional investors alike”.