Renaissance ELTIF is a sub-fund of the Luxembourg-registered Kairos Alternative Investments Sicav. It is the first Kairos ELTIF and one of the first Alternative PIRs on the market, which invests in predominantly Italian businesses with excellent growth and development prospects.

It is a product suitable for customers with good financial preparation and a high capital capacity. The tax exemption that characterizes the Alternative PIRs makes this type of solution even more interesting.

The offering period is closed. It was created to facilitate investments, by institutional subjects and private investors, in business projects that require the use of long-term capital, so that the duration of the investment is 6 years with possibility of extension for a further 2 years. The duration cannot in any case be extended beyond 31 December 2028.

Identity card

  • Category

    Close ended Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)

  • Management style

    Active management style, intended as the ability to select investment opportunities thanks to the deep knowledge of a vast universe of Italian and European SMEs

  • Investment universe

    – Investment in companies with a capitalization of less than 500 million
    – Max 25% in unlisted equity instruments
    – At least 70% for at least two thirds of the calendar year, invested in financial instruments issued or stipulated with companies resident in the Italian territory or in member states of the European Union with a permanent establishment in the Italian territory

    * Kairos has chosen to make use of the advice of Electa Italia, a company specializing in advisory activities for investment transactions, M&A and financial engineering, in the private market sector, which today represents an important step in the recovery and development path of the real economy.

  • Objective

    Achieve adequate risk-adjusted returns on a diversified portfolio of investments aimed at financing projects with an average duration of 5 to 7 years

  • Level of risk
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7